太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站 was founded in 1956 as the Farmington Branch of the New Mexico College of Agriculture and Mechanical Arts, 根据新墨西哥州的法规. All classes were initially taught by part-time instructors during evening hours in facilities at Farmington High School. In 1958, the name was changed from Farmington Branch to San Juan Branch, NMSU. 这个名称更能表明该分行所服务的地区.
1965年7月, the Farmington Board of 教育 allowed the college to use full-time, 法明顿市中心附近北华尔街大街上的一栋建筑. This space allowed for full-time day and 晚上指令; however, laboratories and other special facilities at Farmington High School were still used for 晚上指令.
在1966-67年间, applications for a federal grant to assist in the construction of a separate facility for a branch campus were prepared and approved. The Farmington City Council returned to the Bureau of Land Management 590 acres of land, previously obtained by the city for park and recreational purposes, with the promise that the land be made available to New Mexico State University (NMSU) for branch campus development. 因此, 第一座建筑建于1967-68年, San Juan Branch had a permanent site in the northern part of Farmington.
Also during the 1967-68 academic year committees composed of members from all areas of the county prepared a feasibility study for an area vocational-technical school at the San Juan Campus. 校董会之间的运营协议, NMSU, 以及阿兹特克的教育委员会, 布卢姆菲尔德市, 中央统一, 法明顿公立学校被处决. 8月10日, 1968, the New Mexico State Board of 教育 designated San Juan Branch an area vocational-technical school.
从1967年的第一阶段建设到1981年, the college as a branch campus experienced three successful local bond issues to substantially support three of the college’s major construction projects, 四期建设, 行政结构有几项显著变化, 入学率的快速增长.
校园设施从16个增加,从1967-68年到87年的384平方英尺,1981年的442平方英尺, while enrollment in credit courses during the same period increased from 395 to 1604 students. As the community and local school districts invested more money and support in this university branch campus, 要求更多地方控制和自治的自然愿望出现了. State laws were amended in 1980 to make such a transition possible. Petitions were circulated and a feasibility study for college independence was completed in August 1981. 11月17日举行了全县选举, 1981, which resulted in 87 percent of those voting in the four San Juan County school districts approving of separation from NMSU and financial support for a newly created junior college district. 7月1日, 1982, an independent and separate community college known officially as Junior College District of San Juan County, 非正式地称为太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站, 产生了.
The fifth facility project followed independence and allowed for the expansion primarily of the library and student center. 奠基仪式于3月27日举行, 1984, 完成后, 新增19个,260平方英尺的物理综合体. 这些新设施于1985年1月全面投入使用.
Phase VI in the 太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站 facilities master plan was a Computer Science Technology Building. 新20的地面,000 square foot facility was broken in the spring of 1986 and the building was completed in December 1986. 在1986年, the college was further extended into the community with the opening of 太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站 East Center in Aztec and also a Small 业务 Development Center in downtown Farmington (now relocated to the main campus).
自1986年以来, the college has established a 太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站 West Center in Kirtland (1987-88), 1989年秋天占领了扩大的职业设施, and opened an Early Childhood Development Center in January 1990. In August 1988 the voters of San Juan County approved a $12 million bond issue for further campus expansion by a vote of four to one. 附加科学的构建, 健康, and general classroom facilities began in the fall of 1990 and was completed August 1991. 新83的奠基仪式,000 square foot fine arts facility with a theatre and music performance hall, 艺术音乐综合体, and community meeting rooms took place in the summer of 1992 and was completed in August 1994. 新的32,000平方英尺的教育服务中心, which relocated administrative and student service offices together in one facility to better serve students, 是在1995年12月完工并占用的吗. 1997年12月,000 square foot addition to the Computer Science Technology Building was dedicated with classes held in the new addition in the spring 1998 semester.
With the completion of the Computer Science Technology Building addition, the campus consists of ten buildings and three off-campus facilities occupying a total of more than 526,300平方英尺, 价值超过六千万美元. In 1999, the Advanced Technology/Enterprise Center and the Early Childhood Development Center has increased the multi-campus facilities to about 576,300平方英尺. 另外, the College constructed the Health and Human Performance Center (funded by a $12 million county wide bond issue passed by voters in September 1998) of about 129,000平方英尺, 它于2000年完工. The College supports a wide variety of instructional and support activities for academic transfer, 职业生涯教育, 以及非信贷充实活动. From its modest start in 1956 with 25 students, the College now has a fall credit enrollment of 超过8700名学生. Staff size has grown from a handful of part-time instructors to a present complement of just over 150 full-time faculty members and nearly 300 兼职教师. The College employs a total of 975 men and women (fall 2011), which includes full-time regular employees (faculty and staff), 兼职教师, 临时员工.